Does this thing come with directions?
Zion National Park
It seems to me that a life lived well needs considered direction and maybe more importantly, a life lived well needs changes in direction. The past two years have been a fantastic adventure, pushing me into a realization of self that has always felt just out of my grasp. “Looking back over my life, spent the most of it tongue tied, wish I had more time “ - By and By, Caamp. Now more often then not, I am fueled by a positive energy that oozes from my being like the sweet silky-smooth honey that gushes out of a waxy honeycomb as you chew it.
“Looking good, Billy Ray.” “Feeling good, Louis.”
This spring I once again became a homeowner in Indiana, and how I do love having my own place again. This marks the first time I have felt solidly planted anywhere in two and a half years. But… I am a nomad by spirit and I still own my Sprinter Van, with a Starlink system is ready to deploy, so you never know where and when I might show up next.
To say I have have considered selling the van would be under stating matters. The question has turned over and over in my mind these past months, but two things happened that caused a pause. A trip to Montana to retrieve some personal effects and a weekend lake trip in the formally mentioned van. I am not so certain that I am done with it, nor the adventures potentially contained within, maybe I am simply setting up a new home base to make such pursuits easier.
My love affair with the mountains and trout rivers of Montana is hardly over, no more than my love affair for the flats fishing, beaches and the turquoise blue water of the Bahamas. I will certainly be back and often, and in a state of my future creation, I will have both until my last day. For now though, Indiana is my home again and all the roads I will travel start here.
A few photos I took with my iPhone during my 6 months in the van, I hope you enjoy them. Van life really is the best life. Here is to considered direction and changes in said direction.
But who knows maybe I will just decide to sell it…
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." - Henry David Thoreau
Flew in to buy a van - Rome, New York
Missouri River Breaks, Montana
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Craters of the Moon, Idaho
The closest thing to home, Madison Valley Campground, Ennis MT
The Extraterrestrial Highway, Nevada
Starlink @ The Missouri River Breaks, Montana
Las Vegas Boulevard, Nevada