Reflections of A Beautiful Dance
A Christmas Eve reflection on the year that has been, while the prime rib is on the smoker for a few hours, feeling inspired to write, eagerly awaiting my guests to arrive for the feast, been writing this post for a few weeks, but it all seemed to come together in the midst of this day. Merry Christmas musings to all.
December is such a time of reflection, reflections hidden within the first deeply bone chilling days of winter, next to the warmth of a fire, another trip around the sun is coming to a close, from where we mark the start and finish at least, and I am a more expansive human than I was one year ago, different, but at the same time I remain unchanged, but still different at the same time, if you can hold both of those things as being true, then maybe you can understand that, in not getting it, you get it. As I mulled over what should be one final blog post of the year, that reflection on the past year, this blog, my journey, and what the adventure has been like for me thus far would be a solid use of time and writing energy.
I have caught myself, noticed if you will, that on more than a few occasions this year, when responding to the question “How did you end up here?”, which could be either geographic location or a state of being or both at the same time, always wonder that when people ask, but I digress, my typical response has been that “I wrote myself into this adventure”, it’s a story really, one I have been writing all my life, just didn’t recognize it until this year. I put it down with pen and paper and the universe puts everything in front of me to make it happen, I simply must have the courage to step into it, this has been going on for years now, but didn’t recognize it until earlier this year. The universe lets you write your adventure, or whatever type of story suits your soul, literally co-creating with it. Now that may sound out there and I maybe such, but I am also honest, it is a truth that I carried back from Mama Aya’s ceremonial plane, a truth that is simply something remembered, as in, I always knew it, I simply forgot it for a while.
This past year and any reflection of it would be incomplete without my experiences with Ayahuasca. My dance with Maya Aya will forever be marked in the timeline of my human existence as a important moment, and inflection point, she helped me remember many truths, and after the integration time, it sort of hugs me, a warm glow of light. A Beautiful Dance was my most popular post of the year, in fact it still has a steady stream of traffic, new and repeat readers alike, people from all over the world, and in that piece, on the last night, I attempt to detail an experience of remembering, that remembering brings with it a feel, that feeling is applying the hug. It seems with all the interest in those Ayahuasca posts, I should probably write about it more, who doesn’t like more traffic and readers, which I could do, but in order to write in a way that feels authentic to me, it requires me to have the experience, it’s not something I can pull out of my ass is what I am telling you.
To give you the same experience I would need to keep my journey of expansion in warp mode and do another set of ceremonies, I am not opposed to that idea, but it is not completely clear to me yet what would be the purpose, Mama Aya has not called me back to that purpose, and I won’t do it until she does. My mind goes to all sorts of thoughts around this, maybe the purpose is to help others find their path, seems I am doing that here, even if it’s in complete amenity, seems to stand on its own merits. The whole subject of Ayahuasca seems to attract attention, suppose there is something intriguing about it, something that appeals to people, I would love to hear from those of you who have read A Beautiful Dance or Plateau – Ceremonial Journeys to the Spiritual Plane . What was that something for you? People clearly connected with the experience, there are many of you out there that have read it multiple times, I am curious as to why? Not only do I want to be a more interesting writer and connect more deeply with you my readers, but also so I can keep remembering. My email is at the bottom. Maybe this is what I am supposed to do with this information, experiential firsthand accounts, to spread awareness to the light, to the powerful plant medicines that are available for the body, mind, and soul. I will be honest, not sure what exists out on the interwebs on the subject, never looked, probably never will, but people from all over the world are interested.
What can I say, what a year it has been, expansive, met an incredibly intriguing woman from Montana chasing down dolphins on a secluded beach along the Pacific, and eventually, she even asked me to be her boyfriend, you can’t make this stuff up, danced with Mama Aya on six separate occasions, worked hard on “me”, found awareness in the truths of the universe, wrote about all of that, and even shared some here with you, traveled to Canada, Europe, South America, and Mexico so many times I lost count, integrated two sets of Ayahuasca ceremonies, visited Vancouver Island for the first time, ate Huckleberry Bear Claws at the Mercantile in Polebridge, Montana, and generally had a smile on my face, greeting the universe with my best energy, so we might co-create together in whatever moment flows to me. In this reflection about the year that has been, A Beautiful Dance seems the perfect metaphor, its been a flow, ups and downs, in and outs, bits and bobbles, learning to stay present and with the flow, remembering the only problems I have are those I have created and believe to be problems, and that if I choose, I can step out of my own way, I have the power to write my own story, just as I might lay it out with pen and paper.
This last post of 2024 marks the end of two years of musings and drivel, but the beginning our next year together, thanks to everyone still following along from the beginning, all the new readers that came along this year, and those who might just stumble here from some search algorithm crawling the interwebs. You have the following commitment from me, I will just keep writing when the muse strikes and if it’s worth a damn, post it here.
Until our paths cross within the adventure we are writing together.