what is
This thought floated in today while meditating, its not the first time I have noticed it, but in this case, I was a bit more tuned in, observing my mind, observing my thoughts, observing that voice in my head that no matter what, will never stop, funny little fella he is, but I suppose that is the whole point.

Reflections of A Beautiful Dance
A Christmas Eve reflection on the year that has been, while the prime rib is on the smoker for a few hours, feeling inspired to write, eagerly awaiting my guests to arrive for the feast, been writing this post for a few weeks, but it all seemed to come together in the midst of this day. Merry Christmas musings to all.

That Man on the Airplane
The man’s pee dilemma now resolved, his mind wonders back to more pleasant thoughts, he is feeling much better and ready bask in sunny sky’s, take endless morning walks down empty white sand beaches, float aimlessly in beautiful blue water, in between wasting days away chasing bonefish and permit on picturesque saltwater flats, well, at least after he empties and washes his water bottle and refills it with some fresh.

A Hunt for Moments that Matter
So here we find ourselves as autumn sets in, two life long friends, readying our gear for an adventure of a lifetime, spiritual woo along for the ride, living a dream so big, those young boys riding bikes down Railroad St., on their way to sneak into Hanley’s pond for some evening fishing action, never could have dreamt it up...

What we choose is of little consequence, the journey is going to take us to the same point, we all end up exactly where we are supposed to be, no matter what, because it is not what we choose in “trying” to plan our future that matters, it is the choices we make every second, within each moment, in the present, how we interact with it, play with it, are we curious, and it is that which takes us to new fulfilling places deeper within this journey..

Its a Happening
It happens in an instant, sudden like, but simple, in a moment where the sunlight hits me across the body, settled into my chair, all comfortable like, sun upon my face, my entire body is glowing with warm light energy, the sunbeams casting perfect raking light on my journal resting in my lap, my pen projecting a perfect long shadow over the notebook as it flows

On A Death
I will go back to where I existed before this lifetime began, where I will rest, and where I will await my next lifetime somewhere out there, maybe here on Earth, maybe on some other planet in this universe, or somewhere beyond our human understanding, somewhere out there within the vast infiniteness of the multiverse.

Until that memory floated back into my mind, out of nowhere, as thoughts have a tendency to do, like a feather dancing on the breeze, as I sat outside on the patio at a wobbly little table, sipping a double espresso, nibbling on some fresh sourdough bread with creamy soft butter smeared on top, the late afternoon sun shinning across my face, deeply pondering the magnitude of the art experience I just had, at a cafe on Paulus Potterstraat, right across from the Vincent Van Gogh Museum.

The Space In-Between
As I patiently await for my creative inspiration to arrive, I know that there is a moment yet to be played out, an experience yet to be had, in a place that inspires me to feel the space in-between, the nothingness I am searching for, and I can think of no place more likely to inspire that than where I am heading in this moment

A Beautiful Dance
So I go on from here, having taken a huge step forward, having peeled back the layers right down to the core, and what an adventure, deep into my unconscious mind. I will just keep smiling, being my childlike playful self, my true nature, forever connected to the flow of the universe and its beautiful dance.

On The Otherside
While a complete story about my recent adventure into the depths of the spiritual realm is developing itself out in my mind and on my computer, not sure how long that is going to take to come to life, these things take time, especially in the midst of recovery, but for those of you who might be curious.

Moments That Matter
You can’t know why things happen as they do, to know why is to know the future, its not possible, there is only the present moment, but you can be certain that now is perfect and it is all for you.

Entertaining Irrational Thoughts
I decided to perform an experiment the other day, found myself with half a xaney, and my mind was in full blown freight train mode, a thought producing engine, fully loaded with cargo, deep profound feeling, west bound and down, one of these times and moments people would call anxiety, I popped the xaney, purely in the name of science.

Down There in Mexico
I find myself being called on this journey, a call to self-discovery, to truth, a call to write about it, to share it and just maybe, inspire someone to take their own journey of self-discovery and whatever it might be they want for their lives.

Edge of the Pacific
I have been on a journey that led to this place, every stop important, and it is not over yet, in fact I don’t know if it ever ends, not in this lifetime anyway, my soul seems to have grown exhausted of being static.

Plateau – Ceremonial Journeys to the Spiritual Plane
An experience steeped in thousands of years of traditional ceremony with the plant medicines from the indigenous tribes of Amazon river basin, medicine older than humanity itself, before we climbed out of the primordial ooze, it existed and was of this earth.

A Sunset in Time & Space
If you have come down the rabbit hole with me this far, maybe you want to come a little deeper on a spiritual journey? See I already made my choice, I choose the red pill.